

HLB Serbia members provide audit, accounting, payroll, tax and financial services, HR, along with advisory, complimented with a fully developed, sophisticated range of technical IT solutions throughout Serbia.

As members of HLB we have focus on personal service quality and international business. Quality is the key driving force, reinforced by regular quality assurance reviews of all member firms by HLB, an up-to-date ISA compliance international audit manual and membership of external professional bodies focused on quality issues.

All HLB Serbia member firms are well established nationally and locally, with close contact maintained between HLB members through regular meetings, international referral engagements, bulletins, newsletters and conferences.

Strategic Offering


Comprehensively spread across Serbia gives simple and direct access to partners for potential clients;

Strength in diversity, with different backgrounds and expertise HLB Serbia member firms unify to present a holistic service offering greater than the sum of its parts;

Complementary services mean members can work together to meet all client needs;

The HLB global approach supports member firm clients wanting to expand outside their own territory, as well as those operating internationally.

Regardless of size or location, the service offering mentioned above would ensure delivery of resources for a specific projects, would never be an issue;

Serbia’s Attractiveness


British newspaper „Financial Times“ published ranking list for 2019, where Serbia took first place in the whole world by the number of direct foreign investments, comparing to the size of its own economy. Serbia took position number one with index of 11,92 points, which is 1,33 index points more comparing to the previous year. According to the study, Serbia attracted 107 more projects of direct foreign investments in 2018, i.e. 26 more than in 2017, which represents growth of almost 1/3. It is stated that Serbia attracts almost 12 times more of direct foreign investments than it could be excepted from Serbia’s economy size“. The leading departments in Serbia include automobile components industry, food and tobacco, textile and real estate.